
Benkei assists its clients, both public and private, in the definition, implementation and evaluation of their innovation strategy. It supports every client involved in innovation, technological or not: those who innovate as well as those who help innovators and wish to develop original approaches.

Benkei favours co-development approaches and long-lasting collaborations, through missions specifically designed for their clients. Their business model is based on a complete offer, from innovation strategy definition to development strategy, through formations, ideas generation, project engineering, market studies and going from a project to a product/service.

Benkei is a member and administrator of the French Association of Innovation Consultants, the main representative association of this sector in France. Benkei is active on the working groups on Collaborative Innovation, Marketing and Innovation Strategy. Benkei is also a founding member of the EAIC, the European Association of Innovation Consultants.

Main tasks in ELECTRO

In ELECTRO, the Benkei’s key role will be the quality assurance and risk management and assisting the coordination team.


Main contact



Key people on the project

Jean HERISSON, Ph.D, has spent 10 years in the world of cement and concrete studying the impact of microorganisms in extreme environments, including sewer networks. His studies, based on chemistry, biology, environment and material (culture heritage) has made him a scientist able to work in multidisciplinary environments. His experience with standardization committees, scientific networking thought RILEM working groups and the different industrial projects he was responsible of, have oriented him toward the consulting in the field of innovation. His first experience of consulting allowed him to developed its skills in the field of coordination of projects, both French national projects and European ones. He is now consultant for Benkei.
