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Poster europacat AUTH 2023

Authors: V.-L. Yfanti, H. Zoupidis, A. Margellou, K. Triantafyllidis, A.A. Lemonidou

Title: Catalytic upgrading of waste plastic pyrolysis oil

Event: 15th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2023)

Date: 27th of August to 01st of September 2023

Place: Prague (Czech Republic)

Poster made by J. Jeon at al. for the KSABC conference in June 2023

Authors: Jiwoon Jeon, Keon Kwak, Kyeong Kwak, Kyuri Kim, Haeuun Kim, Hyejin Kwak, Che Clovis Awah, Philippe M. Heynderickx,

Title: Plastic Waste Management in South Korea: Current Situation, Limitations, and Potential Solutions

Event: KSABC, International Symposium 2023, Lab to market: Applied Biological Chemistry Materials

Date: 18th to 20th of June 2023

Place: ICC JEJU, Juju Island (Korea)