Group picture of the eLECTRO consortium taken at COOLBROOK for the 12M GA

From the 26th to the 27th of September, the eLECTRO consortium gathered in the Van Der Valk Hotel in Urmond to conduct its 12M General Assembly. We were happy to meet physically and remotely with all our partners to exchange on the great advancements we made during the first year of our EU project. It had been the occasion to review all the technical work performed up to now and to meet for the first time with our External Experts Advisory Board members.

The 27th of September, we all visited the Coolbrook pilot plant at Brightlands Chemelot Campus. This pilot plan is dedicated to test in large-scale the RotoDynamic Technology.

The main targets of the pilot project are to:

  • Demonstrate the use of RotoDynamic Heater™ (RDH) technology for high-temperature process heating with inert gases, such as: air, nitrogen, methane, steam, CO2
  • Demonstrate the RotoDynamic Reactor™ (RDR) technology and its reliability for hydrocarbon cracking to stakeholders in the petrochemical industry
  • Validate modelling (fluid dynamics) and design parameters and to establish basis for first customer projects

For more information on the pilot, we invite you to visit the associated Coolbrook webpage

Group picture of the eLECTRO consortium taken at COOLBROOK for the 12M GA