Group picture of the eLECTRO project gathered in Laborelec for its 18M GA

18M GA conducted in ENGIE LABORELEC facility

From the 5th to the 6th of March 2024, the eLECTRO consortium gathered in ENGIE LABORELEC in Linkebeek (Belgium) to conduct its 18M General Assembly. We were happy to meet physically and remotely with all our partners to exchange on the great advancements we made during the first period of our EU project. It had…


1St General Assembly to be held in Ghent

Home / Meetings 1St General Assembly to be held in Ghent The 7th and 8th of March the ELECTRO consortium will meet for its first General Assembly in Ghent (Belgium). The General Assembly gathers all the ELECTRO members. It discusses and assesses past, present and future activities Work Package per Work Package (WP). It will be…